
Throughout your encounters with dungeon mobs & bosses, you'll receive 4 different types of tokens:

Guaranteed 1x by defeating Oathbreaker

Chance to obtain 1x from the rewards chest after defeating Oathbreaker

Guaranteed 1x by defeating Solaris

Chance to obtain 1x from the rewards chest after defeating Solaris

Other tokens can also be obtained outside of Dungeons:

Use /vote to see a list of websites to vote for the server

Vote for each website listed

Receive a for each website!

Every vote also goes towards a Vote Party

A chance at obtaining 1x-2x Event Tokens at every Vote Party

Can be exchanged for using at the Event Vendor

What is a Vote Party?

When the voting requirement is reached by the server (40):

A world boss spawns at /warp party

Killing the world boss rewards all participating players random items.


All vendors are located in /spawn

can be used to trade for valuable items through the Solaris Vendor.

Last updated